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  • Romancing the Past, Smithsonian Folkways Recordings release from 2012

    Romancing the Past, Smithsonian Folkways Recordings release from 2012

    "Last of the Great Romantic Trios" Los Tres Reyes Keep Mexican Musical Golden Era Alive With Romancing The Past, Available March 27

    The romantic trio's signature sound is characterized by three suave male voices, backed by two or three guitars, singing romance-drenched lyrics in lush, three-part harmony. The style rocketed to pan-Latin popularity in the late 1940s and 1950s, and Trio Los Tres Reyes is the last of the big-name Mexican trios to continue performing with the majority of its original members.

    "The trío romántico is synonymous with intimacy" - lead singer Bebo Cárdenas

    Romancing the Past is a brand-new recording of Los Tres Reyes classics , such as "ódiame", and new additions to the repertoire, such as "El Lunar de María".

    Listen to the playful "El Lunar de María (Maria’s Mole)" and a re-recording of "ódiame (Hate Me)", the groups’ signature song.

    Romancing the Past is the 36th release in the Smithsonian Folkways Tradiciones/Traditions series since 2002. The series, a co-production with the Smithsonian Latino Center, showcases the diverse musical heritage of the 50 million Latinos living in the USA.

    "Last of the Great Romantic Trios" Los Tres Reyes Keep Mexican Musical Golden Era Alive With Romancing The Past, Available March 27 | Smithsonian Folkways Recordings