Smithsonian Folkways Artists Represent at the Folk Alliance International Conference
Smithsonian Folkways will be well represented at this year’s Folk Alliance International conference in Montreal! Grammy-nominee Dom Flemons will be hosting our private showcase on Thursday, February 14th from 10:30pm – 3am in the Lhasa Room of the Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth Hotel with The Bright Siders, Kaia Kater, Lula Wiles, Alash, and Los Texmaniacs. Visit us at our booth throughout the conference to learn more about our new and upcoming projects including the Smithsonian Year of Music, Pete Seeger's 100th birthday, and, of course, tons of merch. If you’ll be in Montreal at the Folk Alliance International conference, please come say hi.
Smithsonian Folkways Artists Represent at the Folk Alliance International Conference | Smithsonian Folkways Recordings