Smithsonian Folkways Certificate Course in World Music Pedagogy
July 2–6, 2018
University of St. Thomas
St. Paul, Minnesota
Audio, video, print, electronic, and human resources will be sampled in this intensive course, with the aim of learning as well as developing and understanding of ways to teach music of the world's cultures. Attention will be given to learning culture through songs, movement and dance experiences, instrumental music, and contextualized cultural components. Participants will be guided through recordings and curricular materials from the Smithsonian Folkways archives that fit the needs of students in knowing music (and knowing culture through music). Musical experiences will be tailored for use at various levels, including in classes for children, youth and adults in university and community settings, with occasional small group sessions to decipher and discuss applications for particular teaching contexts and aims. Enrolled participants will join together to share particular means of teaching world music, and will receive a certificate from the Smithsonian Institution in World Music Pedagogy.
Tentative guests include:
- Fode Bangoura: djembe from Guinea
- Joko Sutrisno: gamelans from Java
- Sharon Day and Lyz Jaakola: Anishinaabe singing traditions
- Ira Weatherspoon: Brazilian Capoeira
- Nyssa Brown: South African children’s singing games
- Skye Sanford: Gujarati Dance, India
- Colleen Casey Nelson: Japanese Tanabata Festival
For more information, please contact Dr. Karen Howard:
To view the course listing and register, please visit us online.
Enrollment now open!