Founded in 1954 by Hugh Tracey, I.L.A.M. is the greatest repository of African music in the world. A research institution devoted to the study of music and oral arts in Africa, it preserves thousands of historical recordings going back to 1929 and supports contemporary fieldwork. It is currently digitizing its collections. Its journal, African Music, is nearly into its fourth decade.
I.L.A.M. aims to discover, record, analyze, and archive the music of sub-Saharan Africa, with the object of establishing a theory of musicmaking in Africa and assessing the social, cultural, and artistic values of African music. It is a subdivision of the Institute of Social and Economic Research at the Rhodes University campus in Grahamstown, South Africa.
A few recordings from I.L.A.M.. Click here for more.
Drinking songs, sung riddles, and humorus songs from the Tswana-speaking Tlharo of the Mafeking district, South Africa.
Songs for entertainment, dance, and parties from the Karanga-speaking Mhari of Zimbabwe.
Ngoi Nono, Kabongo Anastase, and several friends accompany their singing on two guitars, a struck bottle, and a rattle...
Chokwe songs and dances with various drums from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola
Compiled by Hugh Tracey ; Notes Edited by Hugh Tracey.