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Music of Guatemala, Vol. 2

Various Artists
Music of Guatemala, Vol. 2

"The music presented in this album is typical of rural Guatemala. Most of the inhabitants of this area are Indians of Mayan descent, but almost everywhere in the Guatemalan countryside one can also find Ladinos: persons, of whatever descent, who speak Spanish in their homes and have adopted the Ladino way of life, which is mostly Spanish. It is not completely Spanish, however, because both the cultures of rural Guatemala are the result of the confrontation over several centuries of two very different civilizations, the indigenous Mayan, and the Western, introduced by the Spanish in the 16th century. Both cultures have borrowed traits form the other, and this is nowhere more evident than in their music, which is a mixture of European, Indian, and perhaps also African elements..." Jacques Jangoux

En Español
"La música que se presenta en este álbum es típica de la Guatemala rural. Muchos de los habitantes de esta área son indios descendientes de los Mayas, pero también se pueden encontrar "ladinos" casi en todo el país rural guatemalteco, es decir, personas de diversos orígenes étnicos que hablan castellano en sus casas y han adoptado las costumbres ladinas, principalmente españolas. No completamente, porque ambas culturas de la Guatemala rural son el resultado de una confrontación de varios siglos entre civilizaciones muy diferentes, la Maya y la occidental, introducida por los españoles en el siglo XVI. Ambas culturas han tomado algunos rasgos de la otra, y esto no puede ser más evidente en ningún otro sitio que es su música, que es una mezcla de elementos europeos, indígenas y quizá también africanos..." Jacques Jangoux

Track Listing

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Pito, Chirimía and Big Drum in Procession Ixil musicians from Nebaj 02:38
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Two Old Men Singing in Procession Two male Ixil singers from Nebaj 01:48
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Marimba Ixil musicians from Nebaj 01:51
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Two Marimbas from near Aguacatán Musicians from Aguacatán 02:06
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Marimba of the Baile Vaquero (1) Ixil musicians from Nebaj 01:08
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Marimba of the Baile Vaquero (2) Ixil musicians from Nebaj 01:36
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Marimba for Social Dancing Musicians from Cotzal 03:16
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Drum and Pito (1) Ixil musicians from Nebaj 02:09
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Drum and Pito (2) Ixil musicians from Nebaj 02:08
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Bells of the Church during Procession Church bell ringers from Nebaj 01:51
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Violin and Guitar at Market, Restaurants and Bars (1) Q'anjob'al musicians from Santa Eulalia 01:52
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Violin and Guitar at Market, Restaurants and Bars (2) Q'anjob'al musicians from Santa Eulalia 02:25
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Violin and Guitar at Market, Restaurants and Bars (3) Q'anjob'al musicians from Santa Eulalia 02:07
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Violin and Guitar at Market, Restaurants and Bars (4) Q'anjob'al musicians from Santa Eulalia 01:49
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Marimba at a Bar (1) Three Chuj musicians from San Mateo Ixtatán 01:45
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Marimba at a Bar (2) Three Chuj musicians from San Mateo Ixtatán 02:05
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Marimba at a Bar (3) Three Chuj musicians from San Mateo Ixtatán 02:06
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Prayer in Church Elderly Chuj woman from San Mateo Ixtatán 00:55
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Drunken Singing Chuj woman singer from San Mateo Ixtatán 01:15
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Two Marimbas Playing at Church Seven Chuj musicians from San Mateo Ixtatán 02:20
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Drum and Chirimía Chuj musicians from San Mateo Ixtatán 02:46