Past Courses for Teachers
Smithsonian Folkways Certification Course in World Music Pedagogy

(40 hours training for 3 university credits)
UW Mused 496B
June 28-July 2, 2010 (8:30-5:00 PM daily)
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Audio, video, print, electronic, and human resources will be sampled for teaching world music in primary and secondary schools, and in university-level courses. Attention will be given to learning music and learning culture through songs, stories, movement and dance experiences, and instrumental music on 'available' instruments. Participants will be guided in developing curricular materials from the Smithsonian Folkways archives that fit the needs of their students in music as well as other subject/disciplinary areas. Featured musical styles will span a variety of cultures, including rhythmic percussion music from West Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific region, explorations of Mexican mariachi, son jarocho, and conjunto forms, tested-and-true excursions into unison and choral singing from eastern and southern Africa, Bulgaria, and Southeast Asia, East African ngoma experiences, and children's music from 'near and far'. Attention will be given to teaching language arts, social and cultural issues, and respect for cultural 'others'.
Teachers will receive 3 university credits and documentation from the Smithsonian Institution that certifies their specialized study in world music pedagogy.
Traditional artist-musicians, culture-bearers, and teachers will form the faculty roster for this workshop, including Kedmon Mapana, Christopher Roberts, Amanda Soto, and Patricia Shehan Campbell.
For registration information go to Smithsonian Folkways Certification Course in World Music Pedagogy
Or contact Michiko Sakai at