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Charlie Parr's Guitar Influences

Charlie Parr's Guitar Influences
Charlie Parr's Guitar Influences | Smithsonian Folkways Recordings

This list isn’t necessarily about guitar playing in itself, I’m usually not into super flashy technical playing as much as I gravitate towards players who manage to create an atmosphere by making the guitar and its possibilities unique to themselves and the song they’re playing. Sometimes it’s just a note, droning along and weaving its way in and out of the lyrics, but that atmosphere is what brings me as a listener in close and I value that experience and intimacy. I don’t want to copy these musicians, I don’t want to compare my sound-world with anyone's, but I want to acknowledge that these musicians have influenced me in much more than just technical prowess (which they have plenty of), they’ve influenced me to create an atmosphere for my songs that reflect me as a person - deeply flawed, eternally grateful, troubled and joyful.

Over the last couple of decades, Charlie Parr has crisscrossed the world on tour more times than one can count. He also has released over a dozen albums of his songs, acclaimed for their poetic simplicity. Little Sun, his most ambitious album to date, is out now on Smithsonian Folkways Records.
Apple Music


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