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Songs for entertainment from the Valley Tonga people of Zambia

Various Artists
Tonga people, Zambia. Tonga man playing the Kalumbo bow at Gwembe district, Zambia.
Tonga people, Zambia. Tonga man playing the Kalumbo bow in Gwembe district, Zambia.
Photograph by Hugh Tracey, 1957. Courtesy of the International Library of African Music.
Hugh Tracey recorded this set of songs, performed for entertainment by a variety of Tonga people from the Gwembe District of the Zambezi Valley, Zambia. The songs are accompanied by a variety of instruments ranging from musical bow to wooden xylophone.

Track Listing

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Ulumbundubundu and Gomusanza warira pongo Timoti Sadimbi 01:40
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Sigorira? (Who is crying?) Mangwato Penge 02:37
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Kawala milonga kalila kate (The ferry men are complaining about the Zambezi being in flood) Segareti Chirumpu 02:39
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Zakanaka musikana e yeye (It is all right, girl) Jerevani Siakuteka 03:09
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Nguwenda mela (See how deep the water) Edward Panisi 01:21
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Ndafwa bama (I am dying mama) Notis Chukwa 01:30