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Songs of the Chippewa, Vol. 1: Minnesota Chippewa Game and Social Dance Songs

Various Artists
Songs of the Chippewa, Vol. 1: Minnesota Chippewa Game and Social Dance Songs The Chippewa (Ojibwe) occupy the largest area in tribal North America, spanning from Ontario and Michigan in the east to Minnesota in the west. This album focuses on the Chippewa people of Minnesota, who were first studied by Frances Densmore and Frederick Burton in the early 1900s. Densmore was interested in preserving the songs of the older singers, especially since such songs were more at risk of being lost. The music on this recording falls into three categories: moccasin game songs, social dance songs, and pow-wow songs. Liner notes include several photographs, a background to the Chippewa culture, and transcriptions of melodies heard on the recording.

Track Listing

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Moccasin Game Song (1) August King of Red Lake Reservation 04:09
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Moccasin Game Song (2) Walter Drift of Nett Lake 03:25
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Round Dance Song Ray Robinson of Leech Lake 01:10
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War Dance Song Ray Robinson of Leech Lake 01:48
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49 Dance Song Ray Robinson of Leech Lake 01:25
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Air Force Song Ray Robinson of Leech Lake 01:31
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Old War Dance Song Jacob Redbird of Naytawash 01:11
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Give Away or Woman's Dance Song Jacob Redbird of Naytawash 01:40
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Buffalo Dance Jacob Redbird of Naytawash 01:16
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Founding Song Jacob Redbird of Naytawash 02:06
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Inside Gathering St. Paul American Indian Club drum group 08:00
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Outdoor Pow Wow Chippewa pow-wow drum group in Onigum, Leech Lake Reservation 01:09
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Inside Pow Wow Chippewa pow-wow drum group in Duluth 06:53
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Migwitch Mahnomen Chippewa pow-wow drum group in Ball Club, Leech Lake Reservation 03:08
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Flag Lowering Song Chippewa pow-wow drum group in Ball Club, Leech Lake Reservation 03:14