Teaching World Music in Higher Education
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
June 25-27, 2018
Workshop Description:
Join us for the inaugural seminar on “Teaching World Music in Higher Education”. The seminar is co-sponsored by Smithsonian Folkways Recordings, and is intended for university faculty who are in the process of diversifying undergraduate studies in music. Content will cover music sources and resources for individual courses, corss-program waves, curricular reform in music history/culture, theory, education, and performance. Practical and applied matters will be recommended and discussed, including the selection of course-appropriate textbooks and trustworthy recordings, videos and online sources, the design of course projects, and the development of field visits, community collaborations, and artist residencies. Ethno-cultural issues and matters of music and social responsibility will be addressed in the context of high education, including universities, conservatories, two-year colleges, and teacher inservice education. Faculty to include Patricia Shehan Campbell, Christopher Roberts, Amanda Soto, and others. Seminar fee: $195 (includes selected resources)
For further information and registration, go to worldmusicpedagogy.com.