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Kora Music from the Gambia

Foday Musa Suso
Kora Music from the Gambia

Recorded in Accra, Ghana, in 1976, Kora Music from the Gambia is a collection of songs performed on the kora, a 21-string bridge harp used by the Mandinka people of northwestern Africa. Foday Musa Suso is a member of the hereditary jali social class, and, as ethnomusicologist Roderic Knight explains, that means he is both a historian and a musician: “For example, praises and genealogy were incorporated into songs, and oral history was told to the accompaniment of instrument music. ” Suso's selections on this album range from traditional stories from the Mali Empire ( “Tira Makan” ) to a contemporary song from the Gambia that refers to the 1960s moon landing missions ( “Apollo” ). Liner notes include a detailed description and history of kora music in the Gambia and track notes.

Track Listing

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Kelefaba (Tomoraba Tuning) / "Kuruntu Kelefa" (Tomoraba Tuning) - (medley) Foday Musa Suso 03:43
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Sunjata (Sauta Tuning) Foday Musa Suso 06:36
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Tira Makan (Tomoraba Tuning) Foday Musa Suso 07:05
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Apollo (Sauta Tuning) Foday Musa Suso 04:52
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Jula Jekere (Hardino Tuning) Foday Musa Suso 06:06
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Juku Te Nte Sorola (Sauta Tuning) Foday Musa Suso 04:21
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Mama Manneh (Hardino Tuning) Foday Musa Suso 05:40