Voyager Recordings & Publications


Washington Fiddlers Project Panel Discussion - An edited transcript of the panel discussion at the Festival of American Fiddle Tunes, Port Townsend, Washington, July 2, 1986, as a part of the Washington Fiddlers Project, funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, and initially administered by Centrum Foundation. This panel discussion includes a selection of some of the most prominent Washington State fiddlers at that time, moderated and conducted by Washington State Folklorist, Jens Lund; Alan Jabbour from the American Folklife Center, Library of Congress; Frank Ferrel, Director of the Festival of American Fiddle tunes; and Vivian Williams, chief field researcher for the project. Note: This is a long article, but worth reading for a glimpse into the traditional dance fiddling of the Pacific Northwest.

Northwest Pioneer Fiddlers by Vivian Williams - A compilation of known 19th century fiddlers in Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and British Columbia, with histories, tunes played, and photos.

Early Bluegrass in Western Washington and the Pacific Northwest - A personal account by Phil Williams - How bluegrass came to and developed in the Pacific Northwest from right after WWII to 1980 with names of significant performers and photos.

The Essential Fiddle Tune Books - A highly opinionated listing of some of the classic fiddle tune books compiled by Vivian Williams.

So You Think You Can't Play by Ear - Yes you can! By Vivian Williams

The Circle of Fifths - An explanation of the "circle of fifths," which is essential to know in the chord structure of Western music. A useful bit of music theory for traditional musicians. By Vivian Williams

Jam Session Etiquette - What you need to know successfully to participate in a jam session, by Vivian WIlliams

Relaxed Picking on Guitar and Mandolin - How to use a flatpick to avoid injury and play better, by Phil Wlliams

Tendinitis Problems of Musicians - Identification, Prevention, Treatment - How to avoid and solve tendinitis problems from the personal experience of Phil Williams.

Playing For Old Time Dances - Tips and techniques for successful playing of old time couple, contra and square dances for all the musicians in the band. By Vivian and Phil Williams.

Voyager Recordings - Article in The Devil's Box, Summer 1994

Lewis & Clark Expedition Journal Quotes About Fiddling and Dancing - Lewis & Clark brought the first two fiddlers for which we have documentation that played in the Pacific Northwest - Pierre Cruzatte and George Gibson. The journals mention the fiddling and dancing on the Expedition many times. In this article are all the quotes from the Expedition's journals about fiddling and dancing, in chronological order.

Making Gut Fiddle Strings - E. Heron-Allen - E. Heron-Allen wrote and published in 1885 one of the most comprehensive books on violin making every written. This is the section in his book explaining how gut fiddle strings are made.

The Sound Post - E. Heron-Allen - This treatise on the violin sound post, published in his 1885 book on violin making, is one of the best treatises on sound post making and adjustment I have ever read. I have referred many times to his suggestions on moving the sound post to improve the sound of the fiddle.

The Origin of the Jim Crow Tune From the New-York Mirror, 1841(as published) - This is a very early articles on how the song "Jim Crow" happened to have come about, and its first introduction on the stage. This version may be more correct than a lot of the histories of this tune. It is like it appeared in the New-York Mirror, 1841.

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