Anthology of 20th Century English Poetry, Pt. 2
Various Artists
The second of three albums celebrating 20th-century English poetry, this recording brings together a number of poets reading their own and others’ work. Calling to mind a lively discussion, poem topics include war and biblical themes and include the works of well-known poets such as T.S. Eliot, Dylan Thomas, and W.H. Auden. Poets reading their own work include Richard Church, C. Day-Lewis, John Betjeman, Vernon Watkins, W.R. Rodgers, Roy Fuller, Henry Reed, and Laurie Lee. Other readers include Jill Balcon, Pauline Letts, V.C. Clinton-Baddeley, John Glen, Christopher Hassall, and Carleton Hobbs. Liner notes include background information about the authors and historical context for several of the poems.
Track Listing