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The Man with a Rhyme

Archie Fisher
The Man With a Rhyme, LP artwork
The Man With a Rhyme by Archie Fisher, LP artwork
The Man With a Rhyme, CD artwork
The Man With a Rhyme by Archie Fisher, CD artwork

"Fisher exemplifies all that is good about the folksong revival. His deep respect for the older musical traditions of his native Scotland enables him to approach them creatively; his understanding of those traditions is such that he has been able to compose a new ballad ("The Witch of the West-mer-lands") that could easily assume a place among the classic ballads compiled by Francis James Child during the latter part of the last century. A superbly inventive guitarist, Archie's accompaniments are always appropriate to the song: never distorting it, never overwhelming it. Whether it be a rich underscoring of the original air or an exquisite counter-melody reflecting and complementing it, there is a satisfying sense of rightness in all of Archie's arrangements."
- Sandy Paton, co-founder Folk-Legacy Records, 1976

The Man With a Rhyme is the first work of Scottish folksinger Archie Fisher recorded in the United States. It presents inventive though traditionally-grounded performances of Scottish folk songs, as well as two of his own songs. He is accompanied by Lorraine Lee, Ann Mayo Muir, Lani Herrmann, Kathy Westra, and Wendy Grossman.

Track Listing

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Twa Bonnie Maidens Archie Fisher 03:25
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Welcome, Royal Charlie Archie Fisher 03:01
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Dark Eyed Molly Archie Fisher 03:00
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Queen Amang the Heather Archie Fisher 03:52
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Jock Stewart Archie Fisher 02:55
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Witch of the West-Mer-Lands Archie Fisher 04:35
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The Echo Mocks the Corncrake Archie Fisher 02:43
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Western Island Archie Fisher 01:59
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Upstairs and Downstairs Archie Fisher 02:02
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Mount and Go Archie Fisher 03:12
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The Wounded Whale Archie Fisher 04:07
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The Cruel Brother Archie Fisher 05:41
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Helen of Kirkconnell Lea Archie Fisher 03:33
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Coshieville Archie Fisher 03:06
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South Wind Archie Fisher 03:18