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Central African Republic

Various Artists
Central African Republic The landlocked nation of the Central African Republic is home to an estimated 80 to 100 ethnic groups, each with their own language and music idioms. This album presents music from seven of these groups: Dendi, Nzakara, Gbaya, Banda-Linda, Banda-Dakpa, Aka Pygmies, and Ngbaka. The recordings range from war chants to lullabies, with songs for counting, thinking, hunting, and music for ceremonial dance. The selections fit into two broad categories: group and individual. Group music celebrates and signals major events of the community, while individual music offers personal expression, sung for the performer’s pleasure rather than for an audience. Both follow strict cyclical structures and a pentatonic scale. This field recording was made by ethnomusicologist Simha Arom, a noted expert on the music of central Africa.

Track Listing

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Song for Twins (Dendi) Dendi woman accompanied by small chorus 03:07
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Lullaby (Nzakara) Nzakara woman 01:14
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Children's Round: Yangele (Banda-Linda) Group of Banda-Linda children 01:51
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Ground Bow Solo: Kevandingenda (Banda-Linda) Banda-Linda boy playing ground bow 01:08
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Counting Song (Gbaya) Group of Gbaya children 00:56
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Dance for Rites of Passage: Bamara ganza (Banda-Dakpa) Group of Banda-Dakpa musicians and dancers 05:39
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Whistle Ensemble: Ganza knogo ngo (Banda-Linda) Banda-Linda whistle and horn ensembles 02:49
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Horn Ensemble: Ganza knogo ngo (Banda-Linda) Banda-Linda whistle and horn ensembles 02:23
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War Chant: Ye zame andero (Banda-Linda) Group of Banda-Linda elders 02:51
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Song for "Thinking": Piere (Gbaya) Two Gbaya men 03:09
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Song for Ancestors' Souls: Ze ze ze kuluze (Ngbaka) Two Ngbaka men 03:52
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Dance Music: Koyanongo (Banda-Linda) Banda-Linda drummers 06:30
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Song Upon Returning from the Hunt: Mai (Aka Pygmies) Group of Aka men, women, and children 03:38
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Propitiatory Song for the Hunt: Mbola (Aka Pygmies) Group of Aka children 03:40
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Drummed Message (Banda-Linda) Group of Banda-Linda drummers 04:46