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Lala songs

Various Artists
Lala songs These recordings of Lala people of Zambia were documented during 1957, when the country was known as Northern Rhodesia. Though the performers originated in different parts of the Serenje District, they were living and working in several mining compounds, where Hugh Tracey recorded them. Songs of love, everyday life, or history serve as entertainment, often accompanied by a guitar or a mbira (Tracey 1973).

Track Listing

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Nina Namusonda Sanguweji (The girl Namusonda Sanguweji) Mbasela Kunda and William Munyanda 02:36
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Iuwale - o - iuwale (Start, o start the song) Mbasela Kunda and William Munyanda 02:40
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Bwalwa bwa chiwowo (Beer not drunk in peace) Adamson Mtemberwa 02:40
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Cilelensuma (The sun set) Kolala Kunda 01:10
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Ilanga lacona (The sun set) Poleni Mutacha 01:28