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Court Music of China

Yayue (雅乐), or “elegant music,” was the imperial court music in ancient China. The basic conventions of yayue were established in the Western Zhou period (西周, ca. 1045 BC–771 BC), and it has been an important part of East Asian music and dance culture since then. Through creative engagements, this lesson offers an imaginative space to explore the history and culture of Chinese court music, gain knowledge of traditional Chinese instruments, and learn pentatonic music. You will also have a chance to decorate your own zheng and compose yayue for your own event!

Lesson Paths & Learning Objectives

  1. Exploring Chinese Court Music

    • Describe your experience with at least 3 of the following: location, instruments, hierarchy, and artwork, in connection to your own life.
    • 20+ minutes
  2. Listening to Chinese Court Music

    • Following exploration of two Chinese court instruments, demonstrate knowledge of instrument names, construction material, playing technique, and how these relate to pitch change and language.
    • 15–20 minutes
  3. Playing Chinese Court Music

    • Given a series of activities based on a 5-tone scale, display the ability to sing, play, and create using a pentatonic scale, with cipher notation.
    • 15–20 minutes

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