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Maori Songs of New Zealand

Various Artists
Maori Songs of New Zealand

According to legend, the Māori migrated by canoe from Hawaiki in eastern Polynesia to New Zealand a thousand years ago. As their population increased over time, so did feuding among tribes, and warfare became a prominent feature of Māori culture. Not surprisingly, then, many traditional songs—which actually are monotonic chants with little accompanying instrumentation—deal with raids and battles. One type of song, the haka, was chanted before a battle not only to frighten the enemy but to make the performer himself more fearless. The final portion of a haka composed by one of the most famous fighting chieftains, triumphant after eluding his enemies, is heard at every Māori gathering: "it was death, it was death—it is life, it is life."

Other forms of traditional Māori songs featured on this 1952 album are waiata (love songs, lullabies, and laments for the dead) and karakia (incantations to various gods).

Liner notes include a history of the Māori, their music, and notes on each of the songs.

Track Listing

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Oriori: Pope e Tangi Ana Tama Ki Te Kai Mana Maori male singers 03:36
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Waiata: Ka Riro Ra la Te Momo o Te Tangata Maori male and female singers 03:17
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Tangi: Lament by Te Paraona Maori male and female singers 03:26
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Waiata Aroha by Puhiwahine Maori male and female singers 02:49
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Haka of Te Rauparaha Maori male singer and female chorus 03:29
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Haka of Wairangi Maori male singer and mixed chorus, drummer 01:09
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Maemae Maori male and female singers 01:50
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Karakia to Tanemahuta Maori male singer 01:04
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Karakia to Tangaroa Te Awara male singer 00:56
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He Whakaaraara Maori male singer 00:51
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Te To O Tainui Maori male singer 01:42
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Toia Mai Te Waka Maori male singer 00:20
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Apakura Maori male singer 02:29