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Getting Along in French, Vol. 1

Mario A. Pei, read by Pierre and Dorothy Brodin
Getting Along in French, Vol. 1

Mario Andrew Pei, linguist and polyglot from Italy has developed foreign languages courses accessible by everyone. The recording Getting Along in French, vol.1, is based on the book of the same name published by Harper & Brothers, and focuses on expressions used when travelling in France by train, bus or plane.

En Français

Le linguiste et polyglotte d’origine italienne, Mario Andrew Pei, a élaboré de nombreuses méthodes d’apprentissages de langues étrangères accessible à tous. L’enregistrement de Mario A. Pei, Getting along in French (Se débrouiller en français), vol. 1, s’est inspiré de son livre éponyme publié aux éditions Harper & Brothers, et se concentre sur les expressions courantes utilisées lors de voyages en train, bus ou avion.

Track Listing

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Passport Mario A. Pei, read by Pierre and Dorothy Brodin 03:30
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Customs Mario A. Pei, read by Pierre and Dorothy Brodin 05:40
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Baggage Mario A. Pei, read by Pierre and Dorothy Brodin 04:26
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Tickets Mario A. Pei, read by Pierre and Dorothy Brodin 05:28
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Travel by Boat Mario A. Pei, read by Pierre and Dorothy Brodin 04:41
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Travel by Train or Plane Mario A. Pei, read by Pierre and Dorothy Brodin 09:10
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Travel by Bus or Streetcar Mario A. Pei, read by Pierre and Dorothy Brodin 03:38
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Travel by Taxi or Other Hired Conveyance Mario A. Pei, read by Pierre and Dorothy Brodin 03:55
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Driving your own Car Mario A. Pei, read by Pierre and Dorothy Brodin 16:05