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  • Button Accordion and Bandoneón Music from Northern Uruguay, Smithsonian Folkways Recordings release from 2012

    Button Accordion and Bandoneón Music from Northern Uruguay, Smithsonian Folkways Recordings release from 2012

    New Release: Los Gauchos de Roldán: Button Accordion and Bandoneón Music from Northern Uruguay Now Available

    Accordions and guitars have enlivened the social life of cattle-herding gaucho families of northern Uruguay since the mid 1800s. On Los Gauchos de Roldán, regional musical icon Walter Roldán pumps out time-honored polcas and chotis, Brazilian-tinged maxixas, and more on his button accordion as Chichí Vidiella adds the lush color of the bandoneón.

    Bernardo Sanguinetti's guitar and Richardo Cunha's percussive, deep-pitched guitarrón immerse the melodies in a rich nest of rhythms and harmonies, which formerly-exiled singer-songwriter Numa Moraes treats us to five gems of his repertoire.

    Please enjoy a free download of “Como mi suegra (Like My Mother-in-Law) - milonga”

    Como mi suegra (Like My Mother-in-Law) - milonga MP3 FLAC

    “Los Gauchos de Roldán” Share Down-Home Dance Music Tradition from Uruguay

    Artist Spotlight - Los Gauchos de Roldán

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    New Release: Los Gauchos de Roldán: Button Accordion and Bandoneón Music from Northern Uruguay Now Available | Smithsonian Folkways Recordings