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Songs of the Spanish Civil War, Vol. 2

Various Artists
Songs of the Spanish Civil War, Vol. 2 The Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) was initially an armed conflict between a democratically elected government and a revolt by far right-wing Spanish military officers led by Francisco Franco, who were supported by the fascist governments of Italy and Nazi Germany. Anti-fascist supporters flocked to Spain to help the beleaguered government. This recording contains a selection of pro-democracy, anti-fascist songs from that conflict including Woody Guthrie's version of "Jarama," a song about the Americans' involvement on the Republican side. Also featured are Spanish songs the Americans remembered especially fondly, several anti-fascist songs sung in German by Ernst Busch, and songs of combatants who had been captured and interned. Extensive liner notes include a history of the conflict and song lyrics.

In 2014 this release and FW05436 Songs of the Spanish Civil War, Vol. 1 were re-issued in full with new liner notes as SFW40188 Songs of the Spanish Civil War, Volumes 1 & 2.


La Guerra Civil Española (1936-1939) fue inicialmente un conflicto armado entre el gobierno democráticamente electo y una revuelta de extrema derecha de militares españoles liderados por Francisco Franco, quienes fueron apoyados por los gobiernos fascistas de Italia y Alemania nazi. Partidarios Antifascistas acudieron a España para ayudar al acosado gobierno.

Esta grabación contiene una selección de canciones pro-democracia, anti-fascistas de ese conflicto, incluyendo la versión de Woody Guthrie de ”Jarama“, una canción acerca de la participación de los estadounidenses en el bando republicano. También se incluyen canciones en español que los americanos recordaban especialmente con cariño, varias canciones antifascistas cantadas en alemán por Ernst Busch y canciones de los combatientes, quienes habían sido capturados e internados. Incluye notas extensas de la historia del conflicto y letras de canciones.

Track Listing

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Jarama Woody Guthrie 02:55
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On the Jarama Front Ernst Busch, with chorus and orchestra 02:46
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Ballad of the XI Brigade Ernst Busch, with chorus and orchestra 03:10
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Hans Beimler, Comrade Ernst Busch, with chorus and orchestra 02:55
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The Thaelmann-Column Ernst Busch, with chorus and orchestra 02:45
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Santa Espina A Catalonian orchestra 02:21
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Sevillanos A Sevillan singer and accompanying musicians 02:24
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The Road to Aviles A group of male Asturian singers 02:41
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La Guardia Rossa - Song of the Garibaldi Battalion (Italian) Bart van der Schelling and the Exiles' Chorus 02:24
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Wie Hinterm Draht - Song of the Gurs Camp Bart van der Schelling and the Exiles' Chorus 02:49
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La Joven Guardia - French Song for the Spanish Youth Bart van der Schelling and the Exiles' Chorus 02:20
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Au Devant de la Vie - As Sung by Men of the French-Belgian Battalion Bart van der Schelling and the Exiles' Chorus 02:48