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Wedding, entertainment, and dance songs from the Zinza people of Biharamulo district, Tanzania

Various Artists
Wedding, entertainment, and dance songs from the Zinza people of Biharamulo district, Tanzania

Track Listing

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Nyalubungo nibarutenga (Even the Nyalubungo like this song) Tegalyoma Tilwesobwa with Zinza women 01:19
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Mlekule bona nibajenda bona (We all like to dance the Mlekule) Siluvesitere Ilaliya 01:19
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Nipande mpola baskeli (The woman refuses food, but the child wants to eat some maize) Wibingile Kabaza 01:10
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Ngoma yalilamuno yayenda Maraya Pemba (He is playing his drum well because he is hoping to pick up a girl to take with him to Pemba) Bangilana Nduhila with Zinza men and women 02:40