Conversations with North American Banjo Builders, Vol. 3: Conversations with Banjo Historians (DVD)

Conversations with North American Banjo Builders is a 4-volume, 12-DVD series that includes 38 interviews with open-back banjo builders, historians, and retailers. Each episode in the series devotes 20+ minutes to a single builder, and includes a personal statement, workshop tour, production information, and images of finished banjos. The series covers a wide range of building styles, including gourd, minstrels, traditional, and modern. Although construction techniques and philosophies may vary, the common thread uniting this series is the practice of banjo building as both art and craft.
Volume 3 includes interviews with banjo historians, performers, and teachers as well as tours of private collections. Featured are: Greg Adams, Laurent Dubois, Peter Szego and Friends Banjo Collection Tour, Bob Winans, Bob Carlin, CeCe Conway, Jim Bollman Banjo Collection Tour, Kevin Fore, Ulf Jagfors, Taj Mahal, Dwight Diller, Adam Hurt, Festival (DVD Extra), Peter Szego (DVD Extra), Taj's Tunes (DVD Extra), Adam Hurt's Tunes (DVD Extra), Ed Britt (DVD Extra), Erynn Marshall and the Fores (DVD Extra), The Tombigbee River / Gum Tree Canoe Music Video (DVD Extra)
Banjo Builders, Volume 3 Preview: Kevin Fore
Greg Adams
Laurent Dubois
Peter Szego and Friends Banjo Collection Tour
Bob Winans
Bob Carlin
CeCe Conway
Jim Bollman Banjo Collection Tour
Kevin Fore
Ulf Jagfors
Taj Mahal
Dwight Diller
Adam Hurt
Festival (DVD Extra)
Peter Szego (DVD Extra)
Taj's Tunes (DVD Extra)
Adam Hurt's Tunes (DVD Extra)
Ed Britt (DVD Extra)
Erynn Marshall and the Fores (DVD Extra)
The Tombigbee River / Gum Tree Canoe Music Video (DVD Extra)