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La Chanson de Roland

Performers of the Proscenium Studio, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
La Chanson de Roland

La Chanson de Roland is one of the most important works of French literature. Lucie de Vienne Blanc was "so impressed by [its] dramatic and incredible human content" that she recorded it, hoping, in effect to revive this masterpiece with "its popular and at times rural atmosphere" that will remind listeners of the Middle Ages. Several manuscript versions of La Chanson de Roland exist, attesting to its enormous and enduring popularity in the 12th to 14th centuries. The French version presented here is in original 12th-century French language. This epic was transmitted orally until a scribe put it into writing, assembling, juxtaposing, and mixing legend with historical facts. With this record,La Chanson de Roland can again be enjoyed in its original form.

French (France)

La chanson de Roland est un des plus importants monuments de la littĂ©rature française. Lucie de Vienne Blanc a Ă©tĂ© tellement impressionnĂ©e par le dramatique et incroyable contenu humain de la saga qu’elle a tout mis en oeuvre pour enregistrer cet exceptionnel exemple de la chanson de geste. Elle souhaitait en effet redonner naissance Ă  ce chef d’oeuvre Ă  l’atmosphère populaire et rustique Ă  la fois, qui Ă©voque les fantasmes du Moyen-Ă¢ge.Il existe plusieurs versions de la Chanson de Roland, attestant de son Ă©norme succès tout au long du 12eme et du 14eme siècle. La version ici prĂ©sentĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©e en français original du 12ème siècle. Il semble presque certain que l’épopĂ©e ait d’abord Ă©tĂ© racontĂ©e oralement avant qu’un scribe ne la transcrive, en assemblant, juxtaposant et mĂªlant lĂ©gendes et faits historiques. Avec ce CD, la chanson de Roland peut Ă  nouveau Ăªtre apprĂ©ciĂ©e dans son format originel.

Track Listing

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I - IX Performers of the Proscenium Studio, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 08:28
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X - XXXIII Performers of the Proscenium Studio, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 11:02
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XXXIV - XLVII Performers of the Proscenium Studio, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 06:31
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XLVIII - LVIII Performers of the Proscenium Studio, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 06:38
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LIX - LXXVII Performers of the Proscenium Studio, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 06:03
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LXXIX - XCII Performers of the Proscenium Studio, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 08:06
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XCIII - CX Performers of the Proscenium Studio, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 06:45
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CXI - CXXXVII Performers of the Proscenium Studio, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 07:09
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CXXXVIII - CLX Performers of the Proscenium Studio, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 10:26
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CLXI - CLXXVIII Performers of the Proscenium Studio, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 06:51
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CLXXIX - CCLXII Performers of the Proscenium Studio, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 08:49
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CCLXIII - CCXCI Performers of the Proscenium Studio, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 07:33