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Turkish Dances: Longa ve Sirtolar

Hüsnü Özkartal, The Regal Orchestra
Turkish Dances: Longa ve Sirtolar

The geographical bridge between Europe and Asia, the folk dance and music of Turkey is an amalgam of Eastern and Western cultures. Their folk dances demonstrate various relationships found in the world around them (i.e. man and nature, man and woman, man and war, man and agriculture, etc.). The folk dances in this recording feature music that the Hora is typically danced to. Also called Sirtos or Syrtos, horas are a type of circle dance performed in western Turkey and in Greece.

Track Listing

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Nihavent Longa (Kemanî Kevser Hanim) Hüsnü Özkartal, The Regal Orchestra 02:40
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Rast Sirto Hüsnü Özkartal, The Regal Orchestra 03:17
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Hicaz Sirto (Sultan Aziz) Hüsnü Özkartal, The Regal Orchestra 02:37
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Hüseyni Sirto "Çeçen Kizi" (Tamburi Cemil Bey) Hüsnü Özkartal, The Regal Orchestra 02:58
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Hicaz Dolap (Kemanî Memduh Bey) Hüsnü Özkartal, The Regal Orchestra 04:43
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Hicaz Mandra Hüsnü Özkartal, The Regal Orchestra 02:38
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Sultaniyegâh Sirto (Derleyen: Sadi Isilay) Hüsnü Özkartal, The Regal Orchestra 04:39
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Sehnaz Longa (Santuri Ethem Efendi) Hüsnü Özkartal, The Regal Orchestra 03:28
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Hicazkâr Saz (Nuri Halil Poyraz) Hüsnü Özkartal, The Regal Orchestra 04:25
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Muhayyer Sirto Hüsnü Özkartal, The Regal Orchestra 02:24
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Çargâh Sirto Hüsnü Özkartal, The Regal Orchestra 02:30
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Kurdili Hicazkâr Longa (Kemanî Sebuh) Hüsnü Özkartal, The Regal Orchestra 03:24