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Brotando del Silencio: Breaking Out of the Silence

Suni Paz
Brotando del Silencio: Breaking Out of the Silence

Inspirada por la lucha y la integridad cultural de las mujeres latinoamericanas, cantautora, educadora, y activista argentina Suni Paz genera música que infunde una conciencia colectiva. Incorporando instrumentos como la charanga, el bombo y el güiro, su primer disco, Brotando del Silencio: Breaking Out of the Silence, consta de canciones con letras profundas que revelan la triple opresión sufrida por las mujeres de La Raza—el racismo, el imperialismo y el sexismo—y animan a una Latina revolucionaria que se siente empoderada por su identidad cultural.

"Como seres individuales somos una gota no más del sufriente mar humano . . . con el mar compartimos su poder y su tenaz acción que convierte las piedras en arena," dice Paz en su ensayo en las notas acompañantes. “Por eso es que siento como algo vital, la necesidad de vernos a nosotros mismos dentro siempre de un contexto continental o internacional para hallar nuestra fortaleza en unidad y así, aprender quién es el enemigo de la humanidad y por qué.”

Inspired by the will to struggle and cultural integrity of Latin American women, Argentinian singer-songwriter, educator, and activist Suni Paz creates music that instills a collective consciousness. Incorporating instruments such as the charanga, the bombo, and the güiro, her first album, Brotando del Silencio: Breaking Out of the Silence, comprises songs with profound lyrics that reveal the triple oppression suffered by Women of La Raza—that of racism, imperialism, and sexism—and encourage a revolutionary Latina who is empowered by her cultural identity.

With the consciousness of our culture, working together,” Paz says in the liner notes, “we can share the power and the relentless action of this sea…To break the silence, to find strength and unity, we must see ourselves in a continental, and international context. This is how we will come to understand who are the real enemies of humanity, and how to defeat them.

Track Listing

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Abrele Paso a Mi Fusil (Open the Way to My Gun) Suni Paz 01:50
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Prisioneros Somos (We are all Prisoners) Suni Paz 02:17
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Quiero Decirte (We Want to Tell You Something) Suni Paz 04:05
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Cueca del Auto (Cueca about the Car) Suni Paz 01:34
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Albizu Campos, Sembrador (Albizu Campos, Sower) Suni Paz 02:41
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Las Condiciones (Our Demands) Suni Paz 02:29
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Tania, Guerrillera Suni Paz 03:03
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A Mi Guerrero (To My Warrior) Suni Paz 03:07
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Corrido de Aztlán (The Aztlán Corrido) Suni Paz 02:49
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Canto a Culebra Suni Paz 03:52
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Indio y Negro (Black and Indian) Suni Paz 01:32
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La Bamba Chicana Suni Paz 03:07
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Canto Y Amenecer (Song and the Dawn) Suni Paz 02:26
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Hasta la Victoria Siempre Suni Paz 02:38