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The Eskimos of Hudson Bay and Alaska

Various Artists
The Eskimos of Hudson Bay and Alaska

The people of the Arctic and Subarctic regions, ranging from Siberia across Alaska into Canada and Greenland depend on hunting and fishing for their survival. Their music includes dance songs, hunting songs, game songs, animal calls, animal stories, and story songs. Most have no instrumental accompaniment. Laura Boulton (1899–1980), an American ethnomusicologist who recorded the music on this album, studied music all around the world, from Africa and Eastern Europe to the South Pacific and the Arctic Circle.

*Content Advisory: The Indigenous peoples of the Arctic identify as Inuit or Yup’ik in both personal and international matters. Individuals also refer to themselves with the names of their communities. “Eskimo” is a name imposed on the Inuit by non-Indigenous people and has increasingly come to be viewed as a slur. Smithsonian Folkways has chosen to leave the album as published in its original state to serve as a historical document; however, we encourage the listener to learn more about how the Inuit and Yup’ik prefer to be represented. Please see the Declaration of the Inuit Circumpolar Council Resolution and the University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska Native Language Center for more information.
- Anna Kate Cannon, 2021–22 Dumbarton Oaks Fellow at SFR, contributed to research and writing for this statement.
For our policy on controversial recordings, please see our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Track Listing

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Johnnie Bull Song Polly, Atitah, Mikusha, and Billy Boy 03:07
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His first hunt Kemukserar and Pangatkar 02:08
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All songs have been exhausted Naitok and Issaluk 02:55
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Hunting for musk ox Kemukserar and Pangatkar 03:34
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Hunting seals Kemukserar and Pangatkar 03:06
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I sing about a dance Uluyok and Tutinar 02:40
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Before we came to this religion Eevaloo 01:59
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Girls' game Angutnak and Matee 02:51
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Children's game Kasugat and Ishmatuk 01:50
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Bird imitations Harry Gibbons 00:27
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Imitations of walrus Harry Gibbons 02:55
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Animal stories Kemukserar and Pangatkar 03:18
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Hunting song Ashivoo 02:51
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Dance songs: I am lonesome; When I feel like singing, I sing; I am waiting for the boat to come; Jumping Skin song; I will show you the way; It was a very lovely day when the water was calm Joe Sikvayunak 04:29
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Story songs: Boy resting by the river; Nooneedle bird; Man who was not a good hunter Otis Ahkivigak 01:46
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Dance song Joe Sikvayunak, Otis Ahkivigak and Jonas Oyoowak 01:01
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Inviting-in dance song Otis Ahkivigak 00:49
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Dance song Leo Kaleak and Group 01:05
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Dance song Otis Ahkivigak 01:31