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Tunisia, Vol. 2: Religious Songs and Cantillations

Various Artists
Tunisia, Vol. 2: Religious Songs and Cantillations Recorded in 1960, this is the second volume in a collection of field recordings made by German anthropologist Wolfgang Laade in the North African country of Tunisia. The collection includes ritual music from the many Muslim sects in the country—both from the Arab-Berber communities and the communities of the descendants of black slaves brought from southern Africa—as well as ritual music from the Jewish community on the island of Djerba. Liner notes provide information on some of the Muslim sects in Tunisia and other parts of North Africa, as well as information on the tracks.

Track Listing

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Muezzin's Call to Prayer (1) Mahmun Amara 01:35
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Qoran, Sura #63, "Al-Munafiqun" Mahmun Amara 04:40
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Moslem Sect Bu 'Aliya of Nefta: Salem a Nefta yel Meshi / Ya uledi menhu makhrum Lazhari ben Omara, Mohamed Tahar 15:37
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Muezzin's Call to Prayer (2) 'Ali ben 'Ali Houidi 01:43
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Moslem Sect Sulamiya of Beja Khemais el Hasnaoui 13:14
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Stambali Music from Beja Salah ben Mohamed ben Salem Sudani 02:21
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Negro Cult Music for the Saint Sidi Marzuq, Type "Msarha" Brahim Echuchen 04:14
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Circumcision Ceremony at the Village of Hara Kebira, Island of Djerba Rabbi and other villagers of Hara Kebira, Djerba island 09:15