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Zulu hymns and ceremonial songs

Various Artists
Zulu hymns and ceremonial songs In 1955, Hugh Tracey recorded these Zulu songs in Natal, South Africa. Included are recordings of Zulu hymns with drums, horns, and dancing as well as secular choral works (Tracey 1973).

Track Listing

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Sidedele singene Group of men and women of the Church of Nazareth 02:54
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Kula ma kula ka cani (Grow up, you who grow slowly) Group of men and women of the Church of Nazareth 03:01
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Lalela Zulu (Listen Zulu) Group of men and women of the Church of Nazareth 03:33
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Qubula inkosi (Hold us, Lord) Group of men and women of the Church of Nazareth 02:51
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Sesasale' baleni (Left desolate) Group of tribesmen and women of Chief Buthelezi 02:47
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Singa Mahhemu-hhemu (We are Mahhuhhemu) Group of tribesmen and women of Chief Buthelezi 02:53