The Branko Krsmanovich Chorus of Yugoslavia at Carnegie Hall
The Branko Krsmanovich Chorus of Yugoslavia
The Branko Krsmanovich Chorus of Yugoslavia was recorded in this performance at Carnegie Hall on November 29, 1960. The chorus originated as the Academic Chorus "Obilich," founded in 1884 at Belgrade University. In 1945 the conductor for this tour, Bogdan Babich, began working with the group, then called the Academic Chorus "Branko Krsmanovich." In 1991, the group, working under the framework of the "Branko Krsmanovich" association, returned to their original name, "Obilich." Their eclectic mix of choral music includes Western classical music, folk songs from all over the world arranged for chorus and Negro spirituals.
Release Info
Catalog Number
Year(s) Released
Recording Era(s)
Branko Krsmanovich Chorus of Yugoslavia - Artist
Carl Fischer - Cover Artwork
David Chasman - Designer
Carl Fischer - Cover Artwork
David Chasman - Designer
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Sound Patterns
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