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Square Dances with Calls, Vol. 1

N. Roy Clifton
Square Dances with Calls, Vol. 1

On this 1959 recording, Canadian square dance instructor N. Roy Clifton calls out 12 traditional square dances, accompanied by fiddle, accordion, piano, and percussion. Clifton’s liner notes provide detailed information on various aspects of the square dances, such as the similarities and differences between the three types of calls (prompt, patter, and singing) and the origins of each of the traditional tunes. The notes are followed by transcripts of all the dance calls and descriptions (some illustrated) of the steps, so that dancers can learn the figures on each track.

Track Listing

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Life on the Ocean Wave N. Roy Clifton 03:49
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Circle Three and Under the Arch N. Roy Clifton 02:58
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Divide the Ring and Allemand Right N. Roy Clifton 06:27
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Star in the Center and Chain for Four N. Roy Clifton 02:01
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Right Hand Gent with the Right Hand Round N. Roy Clifton 03:38
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Lady and Gent Go Seek, and Promenade N. Roy Clifton 05:22
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Swing Your Own and Promenade the Corner N. Roy Clifton 01:55
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Bobby Shaftoe N. Roy Clifton 04:40
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Right Hand Up, Left Hand Under N. Roy Clifton 03:59
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Round the Outside, Dosido, and Star N. Roy Clifton 03:37
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Dip and Dive N. Roy Clifton 02:57
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Birdie in the Cage N. Roy Clifton 04:42