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The Sounds of London

Various Artists
The Sounds of London

Recorded in 1968 by Samuel Charters, this album tries to capture a variety of sounds that reflect life in the "heart of England". As Samuel states, London is "more than a city of shabby buildings and narrow streets. It is a city of people, whose lives reflect the variety and color of the life of every part of Great Britain." The album includes not only the sounds of people in pubs and markets, but also marching bands and processions. Liner notes include detailed information about each track.

Track Listing

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Covent Garden - The Produce Yards at Dawn Samuel B. Charters 02:32
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A Street Piano in Trafalgar Square Samuel B. Charters 02:23
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The Market in Petticoat Lane Samuel B. Charters 06:04
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Street Buskers in Leisester Square Samuel B. Charters 02:27
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The Underground and the Buses Samuel B. Charters 01:06
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A Pub in Shoreditch Samuel B. Charters 02:39
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It's Time, Please Gentlemen! Samuel B. Charters 00:53
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Speakers at Speakers Corner, Marble Arch Samuel B. Charters 07:25
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A Street Band in Charing Cross Road Samuel B. Charters 02:04
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The Changing of the Guard, Whitehall Samuel B. Charters 02:10
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The Lord Mayor's Procession Samuel B. Charters 03:25
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The Armistice Ceremony at the Centotaph Samuel B. Charters 02:56
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Big Ben from Westmnster Bridge Samuel B. Charters 01:17