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Early German Ballads, Vol. 2: 1536-1800

Wolfgang Roth
Early German Ballads, Vol. 2: 1536-1800

Extensive liner notes, texts and translations accompany this second volume of Wolfgang Roth’s Early German Ballads, which highlight his rather large collection of early folk songs remembered from his youth. After leaving Germany in the early 1930s, Roth did not return to his lute until the release of this collection, aand it is here that he found comfort in the stories "of a German people who were believers in good and not evil."

Track Listing

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Bei meines Buhlen Haupte (By My Beloved's Head) Wolfgang Roth 02:19
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Vogel wollte Hochzeit machen, Ein (A Bird Went A'Courtin') Wolfgang Roth 01:40
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As Buaala (Buaala) Wolfgang Roth 03:28
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Ich habe Lust (I Long to Fight) Wolfgang Roth 01:47
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Meerstern, ich dich gruesse! (Star of the Seas, I Greet You!) Wolfgang Roth 04:58
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Die Leineweber haben (The Linen-Weavers) Wolfgang Roth 02:50
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Es dunkelt schon in der Heide (The Heath Is Getting Dark) Wolfgang Roth 02:48
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Ich hab' die Nacht getraeumet (Last Night I Had a Sad Dream) Wolfgang Roth 02:58
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Ein Lied der hessischen Soeldner in Amerika (A Song of the Hessian Soldiers in America) Wolfgang Roth 03:26
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Sitzt a klans Vogerl (A Bird Sits in the Fir Forest) Wolfgang Roth 03:04
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Wenn alle Bruennlein (When All the Brooks Are Flowing) Wolfgang Roth 01:58
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Brueder, Wir Muessen (Brothers, We Must Go to War) Wolfgang Roth 01:47
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Es war'n einmal neun Schneider (Once Upon a Time There Were Nine Tailors) Wolfgang Roth 02:23
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Ich ging emol spaziere (I Once Went Out Walking) Wolfgang Roth 02:23
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Hoert ihr Herrn (Hear Ye, Kind Sirs) Wolfgang Roth 04:54