Chinese Classic Instrumental MusicThe Chinese Cultural Theater Group
Mandarin PrimerYuen Ren Chao
Ellie Mao: An Anthology of Chinese Folk SongsEllie Mao, Anna Mi Lee
Chinese Poems of the Tang and Sung DynastiesLo Kung-Yuan
400 Years of Folk MusicAddiss and Crofut with Tim Prentice
From a Shaman's Notebook: Primitive and Archaic PoetryJerome Rothenberg, David Antin, Jackson MacLow, and Rochelle Owens
Banks of MarblePete Seeger
The Ancient Shepherd PipesHillel Ilka Raveh
Zen Poems: Read by Lucien StrykLucien Stryk
West Meets East: Chinese and Balinese MusicAsian Music Ensemble of Northern Illinois University, Han Kuo-huang
Flower Drum and Other Chinese Folk SongsStephen Cheng
Music of Central Asia Vol.10: Borderlands: Wu Man and Master Musicians from the Silk RouteWu Man and Master Musicians from the Silk Route
Songs of the Naxi of Southwest ChinaHe Jinhua