Kilts on ParadeSean McGonigal, St. Columcille's Gaelic Pipeband
Seeds of LoveAndrew Rowan Summers
Folk Ballads of the English-Speaking WorldPaul Clayton
Great Scottish BalladsRory and Alex McEwen
The World of Man, Vol. 1: His WorkHarold Courlander
The Black Watch and Other Pipe and Drum TunesU. S. Second Army Pipe and Drum Corps, Royal Highland Regiment
Ballads Reliques: Early English BalladsHermes Nye
Scottish Songs and BalladsRory and Alex McEwen
The Singing Streets: Childhood Memories of Ireland and ScotlandEwan MacColl and Dominic Behan
Songs of a New York LumberjackEllen Stekert
Richard Dyer-Bennet 7: Beethoven Scottish and Irish SongsRichard Dyer-Bennet
Songs of Robert BurnsEwan MacColl
The New Briton Gazette: Contemporary British SongsPeggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl
Songs of Two Rebellions: The Jacobite Wars of 1715 and 1745 in ScotlandEwan MacColl, Peggy Seeger
Popular Scottish SongsEwan MacColl with Peggy Seeger
The Donegal Piper: Irish Bagpipe TunesNeil A. Duddy
Two-Way Trip: American, Scots and English FolksongsPeggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl
Simple Gifts: Anglo-American Folk SongsGeorge and Gerry Armstrong
Scottish Bagpipe TunesJames MacColl
Bothy Ballads of ScotlandEwan MacColl, Peggy Seeger
The New Briton Gazette, Vol. 2Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger
Two Heids Are Better than Yin!Robin Hall and Jimmie MacGregor
Musical Score from the Film Whaler out of New Bedford and Other Songs of the WhalingEwan MacColl, Peggy Seeger and A.L. Lloyd
Ding Dong Dollar: Anti-Polaris and Scottish Republican SongsGlasgow Song Guild
Poems and Letters of Robert BurnsMax Dunbar
England's Great Folk GroupThe Galliards
The Donegal Piper: Irish Bagpipe Tunes, Vol. 2Neil A. Duddy
Traditional Songs and BalladsEwan MacColl and Peggy Seeger
Scottish Bagpipe MusicJohn A. MacLellan
Folkways Record of Contemporary SongsPeggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl
The British Are Coming! To Salute America's BicentennialRoyal Marines and The Black Watch
Fishers Hornpipe and Other Celtic Traditional TunesFox Watson and Laurie Diehl
Saturday Night at the Bull and MouthPeggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl
Cold Snap: Traditional and Contemporary Songs and BalladsPeggy Seeger, Ewan MacColl
Hot Blast: Contemporary SongsPeggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl
Music from the Orkney IslandsAllie Windwick and Hugh Inkster
Love Is Teasing: Scottish and English Early BalladsShanna Beth McGee with David Johnson
Kilroy Was Here: Contemporary SongsPeggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl
Amazing GraceThe Massed Bands, Pipes, and Drums of the Welsh Guards and the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and the Morriston Orpheus Choir
Scots Guards on TourThe Regimental Band, Pipes And Drums Of The Scots Guard
Singalong Songs From ScotlandThe Singing Kettle
The Complete Bowdoin College Concert, 1960Pete Seeger