The Haitian DrummerTiroro
Haitian PianoFabre Duroseau
Haitian Folk SongsLolita Cuevas, Frantz Casséus
Gospel SongsThe Missionary Quintet
Hector Campos Parsi: Divertimento del Sur / Sonata in G for PianoMilton Katims, Casals Festival Orchestra, Jesús Mariá Sanromá
Creole Songs of HaitiEmerante de Pradines, Michele Dejean Group
Haitian DancesFrantz Casséus
Jamaican Folk SongsLouise Bennett
Folksongs of Four ContinentsPete Seeger with The Song Swappers
Brute Force Steel Bands of Antigua, B.W.I.The Brute Force Steel Band of Antigua, The Big Shell Steel Band, The Hell's Gate Steel Band
Calypso with the Lord Invader and Trinidad Caribbean OrchestraLord Invader with the Trinidad Caribbean Orchestra
Le Jazz TrinidadRupert Clemendore and His Band
Uncle Bouqui of Haiti by Harold CourlanderAugusta Baker
Epilogue to the String Band TraditionThe Grand Curucaye String Orchestra of Trinidad
With Voices Together We SingPete Seeger
The World of Man, Vol. 1: His WorkHarold Courlander
Again! Lord Melody Sings CalypsoLord Melody
The Enchanted SteelbandPercy Thomas Steel Orchestra
Music to Awaken the Ballroom Beast: Calypsos, Meringues, Sambas, Tangos, PopsThe Brute Force Steel Band
Beauty and the Brute ForceThe Brute Force Steel Band
Voices of the SkyEmory Cook
Steel BandThe Trinidad Panharmonic Orchestra
Children's Jamaican Songs and GamesLouise Bennett
Songs from the British West IndiesThe Caribbean Chorus
Lord Melody Sings CalypsoLord Melody
Steelband PromenadeThe Brute Force, The Merrymakers, Southern All-Stars
Meringue!Ensemble Aux Calebasses
The World of Man, Vol. 2: ReligionsHarold Courlander
Calypso: Through the Looking GlassLord Melody
Kim Loy Wong and His Wiltwyck Steel BandKim Loy Wong and His Wiltwyck Steel Band
Bahaman Folk Guitar: Music of the Bahamas, Vol. 1Joseph Spence
Calypso TravelsLord Invader and His Calypso Group
King Sparrow's Calypso CarnivalMighty Sparrow
A Night at the TropicoroLito Peña and His Orchestra Panamericana
Songs of Love, Play and ProtestFrank Schildt
West Indian Folksongs for ChildrenLord Invader
Oral Anthology: Spanish-American Poetry of the 20th CenturyOctavio Corvalán
Le Jazz Primitif from TrinidadRupert Clemendore, John Buddy Williams
The RamayanaB.O. Girwarr
The Steel Drums of Kim Loy WongKim Loy Wong with The University Settlement Steel Band
The Bamboushay Steel BandThe Bamboushay Steel Band
Calypso 1962Lord Melody
In High FidelityKing Sparrow
Steel Band in San JuanThe Invaders