Southern America
147 releases with the Sub-Region Southern America
Argentine Folk SongsOctavio Corvalán
Folksongs of Four ContinentsPete Seeger with The Song Swappers
Epilogue to the String Band TraditionThe Grand Curucaye String Orchestra of Trinidad
The World of Man, Vol. 1: His WorkHarold Courlander
Songs of ChileMartina and María Díaz
EcuadorBenítez-Valencia Trio
Argentine DancesSegundo Castro and His Trovadores de Angaco
Argentine Dances, Vol. 2Los Hermanos Ábalos
Antonio Tormo Sings Old Favorites from ArgentinaAntonio Tormo
Songs and Dances of BoliviaPandilla de Anatas
Traditional Chilean SongsRolando Alarcón
Oral Anthology: Spanish-American Poetry of the 20th CenturyOctavio Corvalán
ChileMaría Luisa Buchino and Her Llameros
Music of ArgentinaMaría Luisa Buchino and Her Llameros
Through Streets Broad and NarrowKaren James
The Piñata Party Presents Music of PeruSerapio Mejía Ayala, Vicente Apaza Uscamaita, and Julia Manco Ccahua
El Gaucho Martin FierroRoberto Garcia Pinto and Mario T. Soria
Modern Brazilian PoetryCassiano Nunes
Poesie de la NegritudeLéon-Gontran Damas
Origins and Meanings: Primitive and Archaic PoetryJerome Rothenberg, David Antin, Jackson MacLow, and Rochelle Owens
Brazil: Songs of ProtestZelia Barbosa
Chile: The Siege of Santa Maria de Iquique: A People's Cantata of the Chilean Nitrate MinersQuilapayun, Hector Duvachelle
Selk'nam Chants of Tierra del Fuego, ArgentinaLola Kiepja
Uruguay: Tear Down The Fences! ¡A Desalambrar!Daniel Viglietti
Banks of MarblePete Seeger
The Ancient Shepherd PipesHillel Ilka Raveh
Danzas VenezuelaBallet Folklórico of Venezuela, Yolanda Moreno
Music of Chile and Argentina and Music of the AndesMaría Louisa Buchino, Los Urpillay
AmaneceresGrupo Raíz
Vol. 2: Por América del CentroGrupo Raíz
Music of Brazil: Music of CapoeiraMestre Acordeon
DäfosMickey Hart, Airto Moreira, Flora Purim
Guantanamera! Latin American HitsLos 3 Paraguayos